Carbogenics is bringing the Anaerobic Digestion workshop home to Scotland!

Join Carbogenics at our workshop on June 17th 2024 at 9:30am to learn more about the basics of anaerobic digestion (AD).
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After the successful delivery of their Lincolnshire based workshops, Carbogenics, known for its pioneering work in the Anaerobic Digestion (AD) industry, is set to host an educational workshop on June 17th 2024 in Edinburgh. 

Carbogenics, with its rich history of innovation and expertise in tailored biochar solutions for the AD industry, has proven itself to be a trusted leader in this field. Their commitment to sharing knowledge is exemplified by the upcoming AD workshop, which promises to provide participants with a deep understanding of AD fundamentals, ideal for both newcomers and industry veterans.

Key Highlights of the Workshop

The workshop, facilitated by Carbogenics’ AD expert, David Vaughan, is designed to equip participants with essential insights into AD biology and the factors that drive optimal performance. The content includes:

  1. Basic Principles of AD: Participants will delve into the core concepts of Anaerobic Digestion, providing a solid foundation for understanding the technology.
  2. Feedstock Types and Pre-Treatment: Exploring the diversity of feedstock and the importance of pre-treatment in the AD process.
  3. Understanding the AD Biology: A deep dive into the biological aspects of AD, decoding the intricate processes that occur within digesters.
  4. Importance of Temperature, pH & FOS/TAC: Discovering the critical role these factors play in ensuring efficient AD.
  5. Understanding AD Monitoring: Participants will gain insights into interpreting the numbers and data collected during the AD process.
  6. Common Problems and Solutions: Identifying challenges that are frequently encountered in AD and learning proactive strategies to overcome them.

Why Join the Workshop?

Carbogenics’ commitment to advancing sustainable technology is evident in the value they offer to workshop participants. Attendees can expect:

  • Network Building: An opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals and become a part of the thriving AD community in your area.
  • Expert Delivered Training: Two hours of comprehensive training, led by Carbogenics’ very own AD expert, David Vaughan.
  • Access to Workshop Materials: Participants will receive access to valuable materials to reinforce their learning.
  • Certificate of attendance
  • Food Provided

The Carbogenics’ AD workshop in Edinburgh promises to be an enlightening experience for all who attend. It is an opportunity to gain a deep understanding of AD and learn from seasoned experts.