
Delivering exceptional services to our valued clients

Carbogenics has extensive expertise in the chemical and biological aspects of the Anaerobic Digestion process. In combination with our state-of-the-art laboratory facilities, this expertise allows us to offer a comprehensive consultancy package.

Our consultancy can be used to either support your use of our product and maximise your output, or as stand-alone support to optimise your site’s production and address specific issues.

The Carbogenics team will review the data produced by your site. Further analysis may be required to get a fuller picture of the site’s operation and issues, and our laboratory facilities can help with this.

Through this data analysis we can assist you in getting the most from your feedstock and improving your site’s performance. 

The types of analysis we can perform include:

Our consultancy services can be used to either support your use of our product and maximise your output, or as stand-alone support to optimise your site’s production and address specific issues.

Our in-house laboratories and highly experienced staff are on hand to solve your site issues. Carbogenics has the equipment to conduct standard anaerobic digestion analysis, as well as a set of fully equipped bench scale reactors.

Our consultancy packages are designed to suit the needs of each individual client and include:

  • Assessment of current digester health including chemical analysis
  • Troubleshooting of digester issues
  • Provision of an operational plan for maintaining plant health
  • Novel feedstock analysis
  • Laboratory analysis of reactor configurations
  • Metagenomic sequencing of digestate samples
  • Analysis of microbial community composition
  • Assessment of feedstock regarding suitability for biochar production
  • Benchmarking against EBC and recommendation for commercial uses
Lab Consultancy

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Carbogenics has extensive expertise in the chemical and biological aspects of the Anaerobic Digestion process. In combination with our state-of-the-art laboratory facilities, this expertise allows us to offer a comprehensive consultancy package.

Our consultancy can be used to either support your use of our product and maximise your output, or as stand-alone support to optimise your site’s production and address specific issues.

The Carbogenics team will review the data produced by your site. Further analysis may be required to get a fuller picture of the site’s operation and issues, and our laboratory facilities can help with this.

Through this data analysis we can assist you in getting the most from your feedstock and improving your site’s performance. 

The types of analysis we can perform include: