March Recap: Highlights and Updates from Carbogenics!

During March, Carbogenics triumphed at Scotland's Life Sciences Awards for Sustainability, CEO Ed Craig represented us at the Startup coalition ClimateTech Innovation Reception, and Lidia, our COO, shared her inspiring journey for International Women's Day.
Life Sciences Award - Lucy Chappel

Only three months into 2024 and as of March 14th, we proudly clinched the top spot in the sustainability category at the 2024 Scotland’s Life Science Awards! It’s like we’ve discovered the secret sauce for success – trust us, we’re not letting go of this victory anytime soon!

“To win this award is to be considered one of the most promising life sciences enterprises in Scotland. As a start-up, survival is all as you grow and innovate, fighting fires, securing staff and contracts and making progress. This award means we are getting there and Carbogenics can build towards being a real asset to our sector and country and have a real impact on delivering global net carbon zero targets.” – Ed Craig, CEO

Alana McSKimming & Ed Craig at IBioic Scottish Parliament Event

We were invited to the exlcusive #BioWeekScot24 reception at the Scottish Parliament building, courtesy of IBioic. The evening was an absolute blast, filled with lively conversations and eye-opening insights into the wild world of industrial biotechnology.

Oh, and let’s not forget the moment when our marketing executive, Alana, discovered that her vertically challenged stature posed a bit of a challenge when wrangling our banners. But fear not! In swooped Neil Renault from the esteemed IBioic to save the day like a true superhero.


Our COO Lidia wrote an extremely authentic piece on her life and experience as a female COO, in the world of entrepreneurship and biochar.

“I think one of the biggest for me was balancing my role as a single mum and a business leader, there is a lot of emotional labour involved in parenting and managing people and sometimes you are just exhausted.” 

You can read the rest here!

Barclays Eagle Lab shot

And just when you thought we were done, think again! Carbogenics snagged a prime spot as a highlighted case study in the latest report by Barclays Eagle Labs and Beauhurst on impact, environmental, and social signals in startups and scale-ups.

You’ll find our shining moment on page 11—go ahead, check it out!

“Investors should be focused on impact investing. There is more and more recognition with the ecosystem. that the sustainability sector is something to be excited about. There are very few investors out there who are not interested in sustainability. However, investors are too focused on returns and this is impacting decision-making. This should not be the final decision point,” says Ed Craig, CEO of Carbogenics and founder of the Edinburgh Centre for Carbon Innovation (ECCI).

Read the full report here!